Friday, 20 December 2013

A test automation framework is a set of assumptions

A test automation framework is a set of assumptions, concepts and tools that provide support for automated software testing. The main advantage of such a framework is the low cost for maintenance. If there is change to any test case then only the test case file needs to be updated and the Driver Script and Startup script will remain the same. Ideally, there is no need to update the scripts in case of changes to the application.
Choosing the right framework/scripting technique helps in maintaining lower costs. The costs associated with test scripting are due to development and maintenance efforts. The approach of scripting used during test automation has effect on costs.
Linear (procedural code, possibly generated by tools like those that use record and playback)
Structured (uses control structures - typically ‘if-else’, ‘switch’, ‘for’, ‘while’ conditions/ statements)
Data-driven (data is persisted outside of tests in a database, spreadsheet, or other mechanism)
Hybrid (two or more of the patterns above are used)
The Testing framework is responsible for:
defining the format in which to express expectations
creating a mechanism to hook into or drive the application under test
executing the tests
reporting results
1 Test automation interface
2 Interface engine
3 Interface environment
4 Object repository
5 See also
6 References

Test automation interface are platforms that provides a single workspace for incorporating multiple testing tools and frameworks for System/Integration testing of application under test. The goal of Test Automation Interface is to simplify the process of mapping tests to business criteria without coding coming in the way of the process. Test automation interface are expected to improve the efficiency and flexibility of maintaining test scripts.

Interface engines are built on top of Interface Environment. Interface engine consists of a parser and a test runner. The parser is present to parse the object files coming from the object repository into the test specific scripting language. The test runner executes the test scripts using a test harness.

Interface environment consists of Product/Project Library and Framework Library. Framework Library have modules related with the overall test suite while the Product/Project Library have modules specific to the application under test.

Object repositories are a collection of UI/Application object data recorded by the testing tool while exploring the application under test.

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