This topic tries to explain the technical
implementation behind Selenium RC. It’s not fundamental for a Selenium user to
know this, but could be useful for understanding some of the problems you might
find in the future.
To understand in detail how Selenium RC Server
works and why it uses proxy injection and heightened privilege modes you must
first understand the
same origin policy.
The Same Origin Policy
The main restriction that Selenium faces is the
Same Origin Policy. This security restriction is applied by every browser in
the market and its objective is to ensure that a site’s content will never be
accessible by a script from another site. The Same Origin Policy dictates that
any code loaded within the browser can only operate within that website’s
domain. It cannot perform functions on another website. So for example, if the
browser loads JavaScript code when it loads , it cannot run that
loaded code against even if that’s another of your sites. If this
were possible, a script placed on any website you open would be able to read
information on your bank account if you had the account page opened on other
tab. This is called XSS (Cross-site Scripting).
To work within this policy, Selenium-Core (and
its JavaScript commands that make all the magic happen) must be placed in the
same origin as the Application Under Test (same URL).
Historically, Selenium-Core was limited by this
problem since it was implemented in JavaScript. Selenium RC is not, however,
restricted by the Same Origin Policy. Its use of the Selenium Server as a proxy
avoids this problem. It, essentially, tells the browser that the browser is
working on a single “spoofed” website that the Server provides.
You can find additional information about this
topic on Wikipedia pages about Same Origin Policy and XSS.
Proxy Injection
The first method Selenium used to avoid the The
Same Origin Policy was Proxy Injection. In Proxy Injection Mode, the Selenium
Server acts as a client-configured HTTP
proxy , that
sits between the browser and the Application Under Test. It then masks the AUT
under a fictional URL (embedding Selenium-Core and the set of tests and
delivering them as if they were coming from the same origin).
proxy is a third person in the middle that passes the ball between the two
parts. It acts as a “web server” that delivers the AUT to the browser. Being
a proxy gives Selenium Server the capability of “lying” about the AUT’s real
browser is launched with a configuration profile that has set localhost:4444
as the HTTP proxy, this is why any HTTP request that the browser does will
pass through Selenium server and the response will pass through it and not
from the real server.
Here is an architectural diagram.
As a test suite starts in your favorite
language, the following happens:
1. The
client/driver establishes a connection with the selenium-RC server.
2. Selenium
RC server launches a browser (or reuses an old one) with a URL that injects
Selenium-Core’s JavaScript into the browser-loaded web page.
3. The
client-driver passes a Selenese command to the server.
4. The
Server interprets the command and then triggers the corresponding JavaScript
execution to execute that command within the browser. Selenium-Core instructs
the browser to act on that first instruction, typically opening a page of the
5. The
browser receives the open request and asks for the website’s content from the
Selenium RC server (set as the HTTP proxy for the browser to use).
6. Selenium
RC server communicates with the Web server asking for the page and once it
receives it, it sends the page to the browser masking the origin to look like
the page comes from the same server as Selenium-Core (this allows Selenium-Core
to comply with the Same Origin Policy).
7. The
browser receives the web page and renders it in the frame/window reserved for
Heightened Privileges
This workflow in this method is very similar to
Proxy Injection but the main difference is that the browsers are launched in a
special mode called Heightened Privileges, which allows websites to
do things that are not commonly permitted (as doing XSS, or
filling file upload inputs and pretty useful stuff for Selenium). By using
these browser modes, Selenium Core is able to directly open the AUT and
read/interact with its content without having to pass the whole AUT through the
Selenium RC server.
Here is the architectural diagram.
As a test suite starts in your favorite
language, the following happens:
1. The
client/driver establishes a connection with the selenium-RC server.
2. Selenium
RC server launches a browser (or reuses an old one) with a URL that will load
Selenium-Core in the web page.
3. Selenium-Core
gets the first instruction from the client/driver (via another HTTP request
made to the Selenium RC Server).
4. Selenium-Core
acts on that first instruction, typically opening a page of the AUT.
5. The
browser receives the open request and asks the Web Server for the page. Once
the browser receives the web page, renders it in the frame/window reserved for
Handling HTTPS and
Security Popups
Many applications switch from using HTTP to
HTTPS when they need to send encrypted information such as passwords or credit
card information. This is common with many of today’s web applications.
Selenium RC supports this.
To ensure the HTTPS site is genuine, the browser
will need a security certificate. Otherwise, when the browser accesses the AUT
using HTTPS, it will assume that application is not ‘trusted’. When this occurs
the browser displays security popups, and these popups cannot be closed using
Selenium RC.
When dealing with HTTPS in a Selenium RC test,
you must use a run mode that supports this and handles the security certificate
for you. You specify the run mode when your test program initializes Selenium.
In Selenium RC 1.0 beta 2 and later use *firefox
or *iexplore for the run mode. In earlier versions, including Selenium RC 1.0
beta 1, use *chrome or *iehta, for the run mode. Using these run modes, you
will not need to install any special security certificates; Selenium RC will
handle it for you.
In version 1.0 the run modes *firefox or
*iexplore are recommended. However, there are additional run modes of
*iexploreproxy and *firefoxproxy. These are provided for backwards
compatibility only, and should not be used unless required by legacy test
programs. Their use will present limitations with security certificate handling
and with the running of multiple windows if your application opens additional
browser windows.
In earlier versions of Selenium RC, *chrome or
*iehta were the run modes that supported HTTPS and the handling of security
popups. These were considered ‘experimental modes although they became quite
stable and many people used them. If you are using Selenium 1.0 you do not
need, and should not use, these older run modes.
Security Certificates
Normally, your browser will trust the
application you are testing by installing a security certificate which you
already own. You can check this in your browser’s options or Internet
properties (if you don’t know your AUT’s security certificate ask your system
administrator). When Selenium loads your browser it injects code to intercept
messages between the browser and the server. The browser now thinks untrusted
software is trying to look like your application. It responds by alerting you
with popup messages.
To get around this, Selenium RC, (again when
using a run mode that support this) will install its own security certificate,
temporarily, to your client machine in a place where the browser can access it.
This tricks the browser into thinking it’s accessing a site different from your
AUT and effectively suppresses the popups.
Another method used with earlier versions of
Selenium was to install the Cybervillians security certificate provided with
your Selenium installation. Most users should no longer need to do this however;
if you are running Selenium RC in proxy injection mode, you may need to
explicitly install this security certificate.
Supporting Additional
Browsers and Browser Configurations
The Selenium API supports running against
multiple browsers in addition to Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. See the website for supported browsers. In addition, when a browser is
not directly supported, you may still run your Selenium tests against a browser
of your choosing by using the “*custom” run-mode (i.e. in place of *firefox or
*iexplore) when your test application starts the browser. With this, you pass
in the path to the browsers executable within the API call. This can also be
done from the Server in interactive mode.
c:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\MyBrowser.exe&2=
Running Tests with
Different Browser Configurations
Normally Selenium RC automatically configures
the browser, but if you launch the browser using the “*custom” run mode, you can
force Selenium RC to launch the browser as-is, without using an automatic
For example, you can launch Firefox with a
custom configuration like this:
c:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe&2=
Note that when launching the browser this way,
you must manually configure the browser to use the Selenium Server as a proxy.
Normally this just means opening your browser preferences and specifying
“localhost:4444” as an HTTP proxy, but instructions for this can differ
radically from browser to browser. Consult your browser’s documentation for
Be aware that Mozilla browsers can vary in how
they start and stop. One may need to set the MOZ_NO_REMOTE environment variable
to make Mozilla browsers behave a little more predictably. Unix users should
avoid launching the browser using a shell script; it’s generally better to use
the binary executable (e.g. firefox-bin) directly.
Troubleshooting Common
When getting started with Selenium RC there’s a
few potential problems that are commonly encountered. We present them along
with their solutions here.
Unable to Connect to
When your test program cannot connect to the
Selenium Server, Selenium throws an exception in your test program. It should
display this message or a similar one:
"Unable to
connect to remote server (Inner Exception Message:
No connection could be made because the
target machine actively
refused it )"
(using .NET and XP Service Pack 2)
If you see a message like this, be sure you
started the Selenium Server. If so, then there is a problem with the
connectivity between the Selenium Client Library and the Selenium Server.
When starting with Selenium RC, most people
begin by running thier test program (with a Selenium Client Library) and the
Selenium Server on the same machine. To do this use “localhost” as your
connection parameter. We recommend beginning this way since it reduces the
influence of potential networking problems which you’re getting started.
Assuming your operating system has typical networking and TCP/IP settings you
should have little difficulty. In truth, many people choose to run the tests
this way.
If, however, you do want to run Selenium Server
on a remote machine, the connectivity should be fine assuming you have valid
TCP/IP connectivity between the two machines.
If you have difficulty connecting, you can use
common networking tools like ping, telnet,ifconfig(Unix)/ipconfig (Windows),
etc to ensure you have a valid network connection. If unfamilar with these,
your system administrator can assist you.
Unable to Load the
Ok, not a friendly error message, sorry, but if
the Selenium Server cannot load the browser you will likley see this error.
(500) Internal Server Error
This could be caused by
Firefox (prior to Selenium 1.0) cannot start because the browser
is already open and you did not specify a separate profile. See the section on
Firefox profiles under Server Options.
The run mode you’re using doesn’t match any browser on your
machine. Check the parameters you passed to Selenium when you program opens the
You specified the path to the browser explicitly (using
“*custom”–see above) but the path is incorrect. Check to be sure the path is
correct. Also check the user group to be sure there are no known issues with
your browser and the “*custom” parameters.
Selenium Cannot Find the
If your test program starts the browser
successfully, but the browser doesn’t display the website you’re testing, the
most likely cause is your test program is not using the correct URL.
This can easily happen. When you use
Selenium-IDE to export your script, it inserts a dummy URL. You must manually
change the URL to the correct one for your application to be tested.
Firefox Refused Shutdown
While Preparing a Profile
This most often occurs when your run your
Selenium RC test program against Firefox, but you already have a Firefox
browser session running and, you didn’t specify a separate profile when you
started the Selenium Server. The error from the test program looks like this:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Firefox refused shutdown while
preparing a profile
Here’s the complete error message from the
16:20:03.919 INFO - Preparing Firefox profile...
16:20:27.822 WARN - GET /selenium-server/driver/?cmd=getNewBrowserSession&1=*fir
java.lang.RuntimeException: Firefox refused shutdown while preparing a profile
Caused by:
her$FileLockRemainedException: Lock file still present! C:\DOCUME~1\jsvec\LOCALS
To resolve this, see the section on Specifying
a Separate Firefox Profile
Versioning Problems
Make sure your version of Selenium supports the
version of your browser. For example, Selenium RC 0.92 does not support Firefox
3. At times you may be lucky (I was). But don’t forget to check which browser
versions are supported by the version of Selenium you are using. When in doubt,
use the latest release version of Selenium with the most widely used version of
your browser.
Error message:
“(Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)” while starting server
This error says you’re not using a correct
version of Java. The Selenium Server requires Java 1.5 or higher.
To check double-check your java version, run
this from the command line.
java -version
You should see a message showing the Java
java version "1.5.0_07"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_07-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_07-b03,
mixed mode)
If you see a lower version number, you may need
to update the JRE, or you may simply need to add it to your PATH environment
404 error when running
the getNewBrowserSession command
If you’re getting a 404 error while attempting
to open a page on “”, then
it must be because the Selenium Server was not correctly configured as a proxy.
The “selenium-server” directory doesn’t exist on; it only appears to
exist when the proxy is properly configured. Proxy Configuration highly depends
on how the browser is launched with *firefox, *iexplore, *opera, or *custom.
*iexplore: If the browser is launched using *iexplore, you could
be having a problem with Internet Explorer’s proxy settings. Selenium Server
attempts To configure the global proxy settings in the Internet Options Control
Panel. You must make sure that those are correctly configured when Selenium
Server launches the browser. Try looking at your Internet Options control
panel. Click on the “Connections” tab and click on “LAN Settings”.
o If you
need to use a proxy to access the application you want to test, you’ll need to
start Selenium Server with “-Dhttp.proxyHost”; see the Proxy
Configuration for more details.
o You may also
try configuring your proxy manually and then launching the browser with
*custom, or with *iehta browser launcher.
*custom: When using *custom you must configure
the proxy correctly(manually),
otherwise you’ll get a 404 error. Double-check
that you’ve configured your proxy settings correctly. To check whether you’ve
configured the proxy correctly is to attempt to intentionally configure the
browser incorrectly. Try configuring the browser to use the wrong proxy server
hostname, or the wrong port. If you had successfully configured the browser’s
proxy settings incorrectly, then the browser will be unable to connect to the
Internet, which is one way to make sure that one is adjusting the relevant
For other browsers (*firefox, *opera) we automatically hard-code
the proxy for you, and so ther are no known issues with this functionality. If
you’re encountering 404 errors and have followed this user guide carefully post
your results to user group for some help from the user community.
Permission Denied Error
The most common reason for this error is that
your session is attempting to violate the same-origin policy by crossing domain
boundaries (e.g., accesses a page fromhttp://domain1 and
then accesses a page from http://domain2) or
switching protocols (moving from http://domainX to https://domainX).
This error can also occur when JavaScript
attempts to find UI objects which are not yet available (before the page has
completely loaded), or are no longer available (after the page has started to
be unloaded). This is most typically encountered with AJAX pages which are
working with sections of a page or subframes that load and/or reload
independently of the larger page.
This error can be intermittent. Often it is
impossible to reproduce the problem with a debugger because the trouble stems
from race conditions which are not reproducible when the debugger’s overhead is
added to the system. Permission issues are covered in some detail in the
tutorial. Read the section about the The
Same Origin Policy, Proxy
Handling Browser Popup
There are several kinds of “Popups” that you can
get during a Selenium test. You may not be able to close these popups by
running selenium commands if they are initiated by the browser and not your
AUT. You may need to know how to manage these. Each type of popup needs to be
addressed differently.
HTTP basic authentication dialogs: These dialogs prompt for a
username/password to login to the site. To login to a site that requires HTTP
basic authentication, use a username and password in the URL, as described
in RFC 1738, like
this: open(“”).
SSL certificate warnings: Selenium RC automatically attempts to
spoof SSL certificates when it is enabled as a proxy; see more on this in the
section on HTTPS. If your browser is configured correctly, you should never see
SSL certificate warnings, but you may need to configure your browser to trust
our dangerous “CyberVillains” SSL certificate authority. Again, refer to the
HTTPS section for how to do this.
modal JavaScript alert/confirmation/prompt dialogs: Selenium tries
to conceal those dialogs from you (by replacing window.alert, window.confirm
and window.prompt) so they won’t stop the execution of your page. If you’re
seeing an alert pop-up, it’s probably because it fired during the page load
process, which is usually too early for us to protect the page. Selenese
contains commands for asserting or verifying alert and confirmation popups. See
the sections on these topics in Chapter 4.
On Linux, why isn’t my
Firefox browser session closing?
On Unix/Linux you must invoke “firefox-bin”
directly, so make sure that executable is on the path. If executing Firefox
through a shell script, when it comes time to kill the browser Selenium RC will
kill the shell script, leaving the browser running. You can specify the path to
firefox-bin directly, like this.
Firefox *chrome doesn’t
work with custom profile
Check Firefox profile folder -> prefs.js
-> user_pref(“”, 0); Comment this line like this:
“//user_pref(“”, 0);” and try again.
Is it ok to load a
custom pop-up as the parent page is loading (i.e., before the parent page’s
javascript window.onload() function runs)?
No. Selenium relies on interceptors to determine
window names as they are being loaded. These interceptors work best in catching
new windows if the windows are loaded AFTER the onload() function. Selenium may
not recognize windows loaded before the onload function.
Problems With Verify
If you export your tests from Selenium-IDE, you
may find yourself getting empty verify strings from your tests (depending on the
programming language used).
Note: This section is not
yet developed.
Safari and MultiWindow
Note: This section is not
yet developed.
Firefox on Linux
On Unix/Linux, versions of Selenium before 1.0
needed to invoke “firefox-bin” directly, so if you are using a previous
version, make sure that the real executable is on the path.
On most Linux distributions, the real firefox-bin is
located on:
Where the x.x.x is the version number you
currently have. So, to add that path to the user’s path. you will have to add
the following to your .bashrc file:
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/lib/firefox-x.x.x/"
If necessary, you can specify the path to
firefox-bin directly in your test, like this:
IE and Style Attributes
If you are running your tests on Internet
Explorer and you cannot locate elements using theirstyle attribute.
For example:
This would work perfectly in Firefox, Opera or
Safari but not with IE. IE interprets the keys in@style as
uppercase. So, even if the source code is in lowercase, you should use:
This is a problem if your test is intended to
work on multiple browsers, but you can easily code your test to detect the
situation and try the alternative locator that only works in IE.
Error encountered -
“Cannot convert object to primitive value” with shut down of *googlechrome
To avoid this error you have to start browser
with an option that disables same origin policy checks:
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